The d2x cIOS installer will install up to v6 of the d2x cIOS by default, to get the latest stable and beta builds of the d2x cIOS look in the link below, if you are installing d2x cIOS to a Wii then only download the Wii version, do not download the Wii U version labeled as vWii, the vWii version is for Wii mode of the Wii U and will not be compatible with a Wii. CIOS d2x v9 not working properly on Toshiba Canvio Basics 500GB (HDTB105XK3AA) Priority-Medium Type-Defect auto-migrated #47 opened Jun 30, 2015 by GoogleCodeExporter 6.
by dragbe, davebaol, xabby666 and XFlakOfficial Homebrew to install d2x cIOS v3 and v4-beta maintained by davebaol, xabby666 and XFlak
- d2x cIOS v4, v5 and v6 support
- hybrid cIOS and potentially any cIOS support
- module to add new cIOS in d2x cIOS installer without having to recompile it
- available IOS bases: IOS37 v5662, IOS38 v4123, IOS53 v5662, IOS55 v5662, IOS56 v5661, IOS57 v5918, IOS58 v6175
- installation slot support (200 --> 255 except slots 202, 222, 223, 224, 242 and 254)
- online and offline installation (WAD support)
- SD and USB devices support
- classic controllers, Wiimotes and Game Cube pads support
- argument --ios=XXX support in the meta.xml file to fix the IOS used by d2x cIOS installer (only active without AHBPROT)
- argument --remove-cache support in the meta.xml file to delete the cache folder at the d2x cIOS installer exit
- HW_AHBPROT support (enabled by default)
- option to select the cIOS revision
- batch installation support
- module to save/load an installation config file
- module to save a NUS script
- uninstall cIOS feature restricted to the slots 200+
- Better management of the queue facility.
- Better management of warning messages.
- Fixed tags and no_ios_reload release_date in meta.xml.
- Support of external cIOS operational again.
- More rapid return to homebrew channel.
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D2x Cios Installer Remote Not Working Windows 7
- Das d2x cIOS ist eine Modifikation des cIOSX rev21, was cIOS in unterschiedlicher Base-IOS mit vielen Fixes und Verbesserungen installiert. Diese wurden vom italienischen Coder davebaol geschrieben.
Es wird bei der vWii-Version nur die Offlineinstallation unterstützt.
Wichtig: Diese Version darf nur auf der vWii angewendet werden. Sollte diese Version auf der Wii ausgeführt werden, dann führt dies zu einem Brick.
Diese Features entsprechen der vWii Edition:- cIOS installation slot support Base 56, 57 und 58
- Only offline installation (WAD support) Support.
- SD and USB devices Support
- argument --ios=XXX support in the meta.xml file to fix the IOS used by d2x cIOS installer
- argument --remove-cache support in the meta.xml file to delete the cache folder at the d2x cIOS installer exit
- HW_AHBPROT Support
- module to add new cIOS support in d2x cIOS installer without having to recompile it
Weitere Informationen:
Es funktioniert nur die Offline Installation. Daher müssen folgende Wad-Datein selbst gedumpt werden.- IOS56-64-v5918.wad
- IOS57-64-v6175.wad
- IOS58-64-v6432.wad
Dies kann umgangen werden, wenn Ihr den UHGD benutzt. - cIOS installation slot support Base 56, 57 und 58