First off, I want to clarify that I'm a noob when it comes to tech stuff, so I may not understand all of the programs and tech definitions. Recently, I just bought a memory card with free Mcboot on it, and literally the only reason I bought it was because it had Codebreaker on it. ( Di semua ps 2 ) mcboot ps2,mcboot ps2, mcboot multi, buat mcboot multi M C BOOT adalah memory card ps2 yg di buat sebagai alat untuk membooting ps 2 yg menggunakan hardisk external atau bisa juga di gunakan untuk ps 2 slim yang ingin menggunakan hardisk / flashdisk exsternal sebagai media penyimpanan gamenya. Disini saya akan ngebahas cara.
Psx Scene Free Mcboot
- Help With A Soft Mod PS2: How To Install Codebreaker 10.1 Onto FMCB 1.8 Memory Card. Discussion in 'PS2 - Hardware boot discussion' started by mgg8281, Mar 9, 2010.
- Pelican Codebreaker Ps2; Quote: Original Posted By blakejakke udah ane coba gan, tetep hasilnya ngeblank. Folder bootnya udah ane test isi CBlaunch pake yg OPL ma hdd loader ps2 agan kalo maen lewat fmcb terus hd loader lancar gak, soalnya fmcb, opl dan hdloader di psx-scene gak cocok tuk ps slim seri terakhir yg biosnya udah versi 2.30 Quote: Original Posted By qmedome2 gan ane mw nanya, ane.
Cara Install Codebreaker Ps2 Mcboot Free
Follow the below steps
1: CodeBreaker v9.2 ( Download )
2: UlaunchELF in cbs format (Download)
3: Latest FMCB
4. USB Flash Drive.
Step 1: Put the FMCB files and the UlaunchELF in the USB Stick. Don't put the pelican.bin on there yet.
Step 2: Start up your PS2 and put in the USB Stick and CodeBreaker
Step 3: Once booted select 'Device Manager' and then go to the USB icon.
Step 4: You should see 'UlaunchELF' file. Check the little circle by it and press X to select it. Then press Triangle and select 'Copy' and copy it to where you have your PS2 Memory Card inserted.
Step 5: Go back to the main menu and take out your USB Stick and put the 'pelican.bin' file I talk about earlier and put it back in the PS2.
Step 6: Restart your PS2 and it should boot up to SMS
Step 7: Press Start to bring up the menu
Step 8: Go to 'Browser settings'
Step 9: Go to 'Exit to' and keep pressing X till you get 'mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF'
Step 10: Press Triangle to bring your self back to the menu and go back to 'Exit to', it should launch UlaunchELF
Step 11: ulanuchelf will start up, press O to go into the FileBrowser menu.
Step 12: Select mass, that is your USB.
Step 13: Select FREE_MCBOOT.ELF on the next screen and the installer will start. Install FMCB from there.
1: CodeBreaker v9.2 ( Download )
2: UlaunchELF in cbs format (Download)
3: Latest FMCB
4. USB Flash Drive.
Step 1: Put the FMCB files and the UlaunchELF in the USB Stick. Don't put the pelican.bin on there yet.
Step 2: Start up your PS2 and put in the USB Stick and CodeBreaker
Step 3: Once booted select 'Device Manager' and then go to the USB icon.
Step 4: You should see 'UlaunchELF' file. Check the little circle by it and press X to select it. Then press Triangle and select 'Copy' and copy it to where you have your PS2 Memory Card inserted.
Step 5: Go back to the main menu and take out your USB Stick and put the 'pelican.bin' file I talk about earlier and put it back in the PS2.
Step 6: Restart your PS2 and it should boot up to SMS
Step 7: Press Start to bring up the menu
Step 8: Go to 'Browser settings'
Step 9: Go to 'Exit to' and keep pressing X till you get 'mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF'
Step 10: Press Triangle to bring your self back to the menu and go back to 'Exit to', it should launch UlaunchELF
Step 11: ulanuchelf will start up, press O to go into the FileBrowser menu.
Step 12: Select mass, that is your USB.
Step 13: Select FREE_MCBOOT.ELF on the next screen and the installer will start. Install FMCB from there.