Contents 1 Overview
2 The Leica AT401 Absolute Tracker
3 The CERN Coordinate System 3.1 Conversion from CERN to Miniball coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Conversion from Miniball to CERN coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 4 4
4 Alignment of the frame
5 Alignment of the Coulex target chamber
6 Alignment of the targets
7 Alignment of the SPEDE target chamber
In the past, we used markings on the floor and on the wall behind the bending magnet before Miniball (viewed by opening a port-hole in the magnet) to set up the theodolite, so that it was directly over the point on the floor and looking at the point on the wall. This meant the theodolite was looking along the direction exactly opposite the beam direction. So if the target was centred on the crosshairs of the theodolite, it was correct. With HIE-ISOLDE it is no longer possible to open up a port-hole in the magnet and there is, in any case, no line of site to the wall and no mark on the wall. Instead there is a mark at the point where the beam intersects the wall after Miniball. There is also a mark on the floor after the beam dump. So in principle, we could mount the theodolite over the mark on the floor, line up to the one on the wall and rotate 180◦ and we would be looking also as before. Note that there are two ways to rotate the theodolite through 180◦ : • rotating about the vertical axis and using the scale to determine the number of degrees to rotate • rotating just the telescope about the horizontal axis and using the spirit level to get it level before and after the rotation. However, in 2015, we tried a new method for aligning, with the help of the alignment people (Michal Rebisz, Antje Behrens and Benoit Cummer). This new method is described in this document.
The Leica AT401 Absolute Tracker
The alignment service have a Leica AT401 Absolute Tracker, which is first set up using known points fixed in the floor and walls at ISOLDE, where they mount prisms and the AT401 uses a laser to determine is position relative to these points. After that, they can place a prism at any point and determine its absolute position in the CERN Coordinate System.
The CERN Coordinate System
The CERN Coordinate System has its origin at the PS, but there are offsets of about 2 km added to each coordinate, so it cannot be confused with any other system. The coordinates are either given as xCCS , yCCS , and zCCS or xCCS , yCCS , and HCCS . The relationship between zCCS and HCCS is given by:
zCCS = HCCS + 2000.00079 −
d2 2(R + h)
(xCCS − 2000)2 + (yCCS − 2097.7927)2
and R is the mean radius of the earth in metres given by
R = 6371000 To go in the other direction, we use 0010
zCCS − 2000.00079 + 0001 = d cos R
d2 2R
Using the MADX calculation from 15/06/2015, which is in version 1.1 of the EDMS document 1323585 ( in the file XT01 survey ccs.txt. we have the coordinates of the Miniball target position:
x=1864.28940, y=2282.82486, z=2437.48881, h=437.49215 [m] 2
Figure 1: The Leica AT401 Absolute Tracker.
We define a Miniball coordinate system with the origin at the nominal target position, the y direction in the direction of the beam and the z-direction vertically upwards. So the z-axis is in the same direction as that of the CERN one, but it is rotated by -257.85485997◦ = -4.5004162987 radians1 , relative to the CERN coordinate system. Note, however, that we use millimetres not metres.
Angle between coordinate systems = -257.85485997◦ = -4.5004162987 radians Note that the Miniball CAD diagram is offset by 25 mm relative to the Miniball coordinate system. This is because it was designed for a nominal beam height of 1750 mm, but at ISOLDE the beam height is nominally at 1725 mm.
Conversion from CERN to Miniball coordinate system xM B =
1000 · (0.97761779 · (yCCS − 2282.824858) − 0.21038884 · (xCCS − 1864.289396))
yM B =
1000 · (−0.97761779 · (xCCS − 1864.289396) − 0.21038884 · (yCCS − 2282.824858))
zM B =
1000 · (zCCS − 2437.488812)
or 1000 · (HCCS − 437.492155)
zM B = where
0.97761779 = sin(−257.854860◦ ) 0.21038884 = cos(−257.854860◦ ) where the values with the CCS subscript are in the CERN Coordinate System and those with the MB subscript are in the Miniball coordinate system. The Miniball coordinate system has its origin at the nominal target position, with the y direction representing the beam and x horiziontal and z vertical.
Conversion from Miniball to CERN coordinate system xCCS =
1864.289396 − 0.97761779 · yM B /1000 − 0.21038884 · xM B /1000
yCCS =
2282.824858 + 0.97761779 · xM B /1000 − 0.21038884 · yM B /1000
zCCS =
zM B /1000 + 2437.488812
zM B /1000 + 437.492155
Alignment of the frame
To align the frame, we determined the absolute coordinates of the rings onto which the arcs are attached. There are three such rings below the target chamber and three above,on each side. By measuring at least three points on a ring, they can fit a circle and determine the centre of the circle. This should be exactly below or above the nominal target position. From the CAD diagrams, we know the positions of the centre of the top and bottom faces of each ring. If we number the rings from top to bottom, so the highest ring is ring 1 and the lowest is ring 12, we have the following coordinates for the centre of the top and bottom flat surfaces of each ring: 1 Angle
also taken from EDMS document 1323585
Figure 2: The Miniball frame, showing the 12 rings (bright green), numbered 1 to 12 from top to bottom. The beam goes into the page from left to right. Ring 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
Surface Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
xM B , yM B , zM B [mm] 0, 0, +835 0, 0, +795 0, 0, +795 0, 0, +755 0, 0, +755 0, 0, +717 0, 0, +585 0, 0, +547 0, 0, +547 0, 0, +507 0, 0, +507 0, 0, +467 0, 0, -473 0, 0, -513 0, 0, -513 0, 0, -552 0, 0, -552 0, 0, -591 0, 0, -723 0, 0, -761 0, 0, -761 0, 0, -801 0, 0, -801 0, 0, -841
xCCS , yCCS , zCCS , HCCS [m] 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.32381, 438.32715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.28381, 438.28715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.28381, 438.28715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.24381, 438.24715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.24381, 438.24715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.20581, 438.20915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.07381, 438.07715 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.03581, 438.03915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2438.03581, 438.03915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.99581, 437.99915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.99581, 437.99915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.95581, 437.95915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.01581, 437.01915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.97581, 436.97915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.97581, 436.97915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.93681, 436.94015 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.93681, 436.94015 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.89781, 436.90115 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.76581, 436.76915 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.72781, 436.73115 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.72781, 436.73115 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.68781, 436.69115 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.68781, 436.69115 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2436.64781, 436.65115
Note, however, that these values are only achieved if the ball is closed and the locking pins are in place. However, it is rather hard to measure in this configuration, so it may be necessary to compromise. The rings above the target chamber are most affected by the absence of the locking pins.
Alignment of the Coulex target chamber
Miniball Coulex target chamber Beam direction
11 3
Coordinates relative to
CERN Coordinates System in m:
to centre in mm: 0
= (0,
(1864.2894, 2282.8249,
= (-137.5, -367.5, 100)
(1864.6776, 2282.7678,
= (-137.5, +367.5, 100)
(1863.9590, 2282.6131,
= (+137.5, -367.5, 100)
(1864.6197, 2283.0366,
= (+137.5, +367.5, 100)
(1863.9012, 2282.8820,
= (-127.5, -367.5, 100)
(1864.6755, 2282.7775,
= (-127.5, -351.5, 100)
(1864.6599, 2282.7742,
= (+127.5, -351.5, 100)
(1864.6062, 2283.0235,
= (+127.5, -367.5, 100)
(1864.6218, 2283.0268,
= (-127.5, +351.5, 100)
(1863.9726, 2282.6263,
10 = (-127.5, +367.5, 100)
10 (1863.9569, 2282.6229,
11 = (+127.5, +367.5, 100)
11 (1863.9033, 2282.8722,
12 = (+127.5, +351.5, 100)
12 (1863.9189, 2282.8756,
7 4
1 5
Figure 3: The target chamber alignment There are two ways to determine the alignment of the chamber:
Figure 4: The Leica retro-reflective targets mounted on the Miniball target wheel • Using the upper corners of the front and back plates • Using the sphere of the chamber itself The former method relies on the information in figure 3. In practise, it is not possible to use the points on the side plates, as there is a small difference depending how the side plates are mounted. However, you must have the side plates on to change the alignment, otherwise you could damage the target chamber. So it is really points 6, 7, 9 and 12 which need to be used. Point (See fig. 3) 6 7 9 12
xM B , yM B , zM B [mm] -127.5, -351.5, 100 +127.5, -351.5, 100 -127.5, +351.5, 100 +127.5, +351.5, 100
xCCS , yCCS , zCCS , HCCS [m] 1864.65985, 2282.77416, 2437.48881, 437.59215 1864.60620, 2283.02346, 2437.48881, 437.59215 1863.97259, 2282.62626, 2437.48881, 437.59215 1863.91894, 2282.87555, 2437.48881, 437.59215
The latter method involves measuring several points on the outer surface of the sphere and fitting a sphere to those points. For this, the side plates need to be removed (at least on one side), so it is not feasible to adjust the chamber this way, but it is a good check after using the other method.
Alignment of the targets
There are two ways to do this: • set up the theodolite so that it is looking in the inverse direction of the beam and check the crosshairs of the theodolite are centred on the target • use the absolute method with some special Leica retro-reflective targets (see fig. 4) mounted on the target wheel. 7
The former method has the disadvantage that it doesn’t measure the offset of the target along the beam direction. The nominal target position is2 : Point (See fig. 3) 0
xM B , yM B , zM B [mm] 0, 0, 0
xCCS , yCCS , zCCS , HCCS [m] 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.48881, 437.49215
Alignment of the SPEDE target chamber
Figure 5: The SPEDE chamber The SPEDE target chamber is 27 mm longer than the Coulex one. As with the Coulex chamber, the target is centred between the two flanges, which are compatible with the Coulex ones. The points in the following table correspond to points 0, 5-11 in 3. i.e. without the side plates. The width (±127.5 mm) is the same, but the lengths (±365 and ±381 mm) are longer than those of the Coulex chamber (±351.5 and ±367.5 mm). Point (See fig. 5) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 The
xM B , yM B , zM B [mm] 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 -127.50, -381.00, 80.00 -127.50, 381.00, 80.00 127.50, -381.00, 80.00 127.50, 381.00, 80.00 -127.50, -365.00, 80.00 -127.50, 365.00, 80.00 127.50, -365.00, 80.00 127.50, 365.00, 80.00
xCCS , yCCS , zCCS , HCCS [m] 1864.28940, 2282.82486, 2437.48881, 437.49215 1864.68869, 2282.78037, 2437.56881, 437.57214 1863.94375, 2282.62005, 2437.56881, 437.57216 1864.63504, 2283.02966, 2437.56881, 437.57215 1863.89010, 2282.86935, 2437.56881, 437.57216 1864.67305, 2282.77700, 2437.56881, 437.57214 1863.95939, 2282.62342, 2437.56881, 437.57216 1864.61940, 2283.02630, 2437.56881, 437.57215 1863.90574, 2282.87271, 2437.56881, 437.57216
nominal target position is taken from version 1.1 of the EDMS document 1323585.
Wild T16 Theodolite Manual Pdf
Wild T1 Theodolite Manual Wild T1 Theodolite Manual Wild T1 Theodolite Manual T1 Micrometer Theodolite (model 70): 1973 - 1996 The Wild T1 is a Double Centre Theodolite with two independend cylindrical axes and they where produced between 1933 and 1996 in mainly four versions as shown abouve. Page 4/23 Acces PDF Wild T1 Theodolite Manual.
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Diese Seite gibt ihnen einen Überblick über all die Theodolite produziert von Wild Heerbrugg über all die Jahre. Dieser Link führt Sie zu den Technischen Daten der optischen Theodolite Verwenden Sie diesen Link zu Wild Theodolite und Zubehör | This page will give you a overview over all the theodolites produced from Wild Heerbrugg over all the years. Use this link to see the Technical data of the WILD optical theodolites Use this link to see the page with the WILD THEODOLITES AND ACCESSORIES FOR EVERY SURVEY TASK with Technical data of the WILD theodolite from 1965 Use this link to read a article about the changes from the first T2 to the Leica TCA2003 from Hugh BaertleinInside the Leica TCA2003 Note: not all data have been recorded, so some of the years are only estimated. This list is definitively not complete, but I will do my best to hold it updated. |
(internal designation) from till
Wild T0 Compass Thoeodolite T0 1932 - 1972 T0 (var) 1973 - 1978 T0 (neu) 1979 - 1990 |
Accessories which can be attached to the TO include a telescope level, the Wild Objective Pentaprism, the Wild - Roelofs Solar Prism and an eyepiece sunglass for sighting bright objects.
Wild T1 Double Centre Theodolite T1 1933 - 1938 NT1 1938 - 1956 T1AE 1959 - 1969 T101A 1965 - 1965 T101AE 1965 - 1966 T1 (70) / T1 (var) 1973 - 1996 |
After the usual initial leveling-up, using the footscrews and plate level, the T1A is ready for vertical angles to be measured, there being no index level to center. The simple automatic vertical index, which replaces the usual level, thus makes vertical circle reading an easy matter and, as there are no mechanical parts, the liquid compensator has nothing to wear out-and nothing to maintain.
Each circle is read with the aid of an optical micrometer whose drum is cc).graduated to 20” (or 1c), with estimation made easily to 5” (or 10cc). Having two independent cylindrical vertical axes and two horizontal clamps (one each for the lower and upper plate and shaped differently to avoid confusion) the T1A allows the repetition method to be used for observing.
The T1A-E is identical to the T1A, except that its telescope provides an upright image - a feature often appreciated by users unaccustomed to working with an image that is reversed both laterally and vertically.
As the T1A (and T1A-E) can be removed from the tribrach without disturbing the centering, the famous Wild traversing equipment can be used with this theodolite, together with the full range of accessories, which is tabulated later.
See Full List On
Wild T16 Tacheometer Thoeodolite T161956 - 1972 T16E 1960 - 1970 T161 1966 - 1968 T161E 1966 - 1968 T16 (70) / T16 (var) 1968 - 1995 |
The easily read scales of the horizontal and vertical circles allow work to be carried out quickly, with estimation to one tenth of a graduation interval (one minute of arc) accomplished without difficulty. All clamps and tangent screws are placed logically so that they can be manipulated safely and comfortably. The combination of the simple circle scale reading and the operation of the instrument itself makes the T16 a most useful instrument for use bytrainees.
There are several types of T16 each containing specially modified features. The T16-E has an upright telescope image, thereby providing additional speed for observing,especially when reading a vertical staff and laying-out works. The T16-ED has the extra facility of a horizontal circle with double numbering (360° circle only), allowing angles to read or set out either to the left ('North to West') or, in the normal fashion, to the right ('North to East'). The T160 is a normal TI6 theodolite without the vertical circle unit. If the user is certain that his survey tasks will never require the measurement of vertical angles this model will be of economic advantage to him.
The detachable tribrach ensures that the T16 can be used with all Wild traversing equipment and, of course, the normal accessories and attachments all provide additional uses and accuracies for the instrument.
Wild T1 Theodolite Manual
Wild T2 Universal Thoeodolite T2 1926 - 1936 NT2 1936 - 1955 T21 1956 - 1968 T21E 1958 - 1970 T21L 1960 - 1960 T210 1960 - 1960 T211 1966 - 1966 T211E 1966 - 1966 T21 (dig) 1968 - 1972 T2 mod 1973 - 1996 |
Xxx - Other
The optics are sufficiently good to allow observing to normal targets up to 12 miles (20 km) away and, under favorable conditions, for pointing to the Pole Star to be made in the late afternoon. Circle readings, are made through one eyepiece, an inverter knob bringing the required circle image into the field of view. Coincidence setting provides a direct meaning of the two diametrically-opposite circle positions. The single second graduations and the general quality of the T2, with its all steel construction offering addition-al stability, make it a real 'Universal' theodolite widely used for triangulations up to 3rd arid even 2nd order limits, precise traversing, subtense measurements, astronomical observations, tacheometry, engineering work of all types, cadastral lay-outs, staking-out straights and curves, mining surveys and special industrial purposes, for which the special inter- changeable GOA autocollimation eyepiece is most useful.
The T2-E is identical to the T2, apart from the upright telescope image and the T210 is another Variation of the instrument which, in this ease, has no vertical circle, being used for tasks where the T2's accuracy is required but without vertical angles.
All models of the T2 are made so that the instrument can be removed from its tribrach and replaced by a target or subtense bar, without disturbing the centering. lf required, a special tribrach without built-in optical plummet, is available and another special tribrach fitted with a ball-centering device enables the T2 to be set up on an observation pillar in an embedded centering socket (a pillar bolt).
Wild T3 Precision Thoeodolite T3 1927 - 1934 T3R 1953 - 1968 NT3 1935 - 1971 NT3A 1972 - 1984 |
The T3's steel construction gives it exceptional stability under all conditions, which provides an additional reason for its general acceptance as the perfect instrument for precision measurements. Although not equipped with a detachable tribrach the T3 has various possibilities for forced-centering, such as a ball centering device for pillar set-ups and a removable bayonet base allowing the theodolite to be used in conjunction with a special T3 - T2 combination locking bayonet base, which takes the T3, the T2 and all items of T2 traverse equipment. In addition it has its own range of accessories such as eyepiece prisms for steep sights, an astrolabe prism and other items intended for use on dam deformation work.
Wild T1a Theodolite Manual
Wild T4 Universal Instrument T4 1941 - 1966 T4A 1968 - 1975 T4 (mod) 1977 - 1981 |
Wild T1 Theodolite Manual Pdf
Wild RDS Self-Reducing Tacheometer RDS1 1950 - 1975 RDS 1974 - 1984 RDS-D 1979 - 1989 |
Wild Heerbrugg T16 Theodolite Manual
Wild Electronical Theodolites TC1 1977 - 1979 T2 EL Var 1981 - 1983 T2000 1983 - 1987 T2000S 1984 - 1991 TC2000 1983 - 1987 T1000 1988 - 1992 T1600 1986 - 1992 TC1000 (Secel) 1988 - 1988 TC1000 (Wild EDM) 1988 - 1992 TC1600 (Secel) 1985 - 1988 TC1600 (Wild EDM) 1988 - 1992 T2002 1988 - 1996 TC2002 1990 - 1997 T3000 1989 - 1997 T1010 1992 - 1995 T1610 1991 - 1995 TC1010 1992 - 1995 TC1610 1991 - 1995 TM3000 1988 - 1994 |